Court denies police officers bid to get job back after hitting teenager

Victoria’s Court of Appeal has ruled that the police force should not be made to reappoint an officer who was sacked after he punched a teenager in the face while on duty.

Former senior constable Simon Mareangareu was suspended without pay by Victoria Police in June 2018 when he was found guilty of two charges that stemmed from the arrest of two teenage boys in Vermont in Melbourne’s east in the early hours of Christmas Day, 2014.

Simon Mareangareu.

Simon Mareangareu.Credit:Eddie Jim

He admitted punching one of the boys in the face as hard as he could as the 16-year-old was providing his personal details. Mr Mareangareu had claimed he was acting in self-defence and retaliated when Kyan Foster struck him in the arm.

His conviction for assaulting the teenager was later overturned, and he sought his job back as a police officer.

Lawyers acting for Chief Commissioner Shane Patton previously argued the court should not compel Victoria Police to reappoint Mr Mareangareu, given the force had “grave and legitimate concerns” about his future service.

The Victorian Court of Appeal on Wednesday ended the former officer’s bid, finding it was within the power of a delegate of Mr Patton to consider the conduct Mr Mareangareu engaged in, to judge if it was appropriate to reappoint him and whether he was of good enough character to serve on the force.

“The Chief Commissioner has a broad discretion when exercising the power of reappointment,” justices Phillip Priest, Stephen McLeish and Maree Kennedy found in a joint judgment.

“The Chief Commissioner’s power to reappoint a dismissed police officer under [the Victoria Police Act] involves the exercise of a discretion which permits regard to be had to the subject matter of the charge or charges upon which any conviction leading to the officer’s dismissal was based.”

The decision is a win for the force, which faced having its power of reappointment curtailed if it was compelled by the court to reappoint Mr Mareangareu.

A 2014 video of the punching incident, taken by the victim’s friend, Stuart Laird, then aged 17, was made public and caused significant embarrassment to the force.

Mr Mareangareu was sentenced to a year in jail in August 2018 after being found guilty of punching the boy and then perverting the course of justice by having him falsely charged with assaulting police and resisting arrest.

In his first trial, County Court judge Jeanette Morrish said Mr Mareangareu “meted out summary justice” and then prepared a brief of evidence to have the teen charged with offences he had not committed, conduct she labelled “disgraceful and utterly abhorrent”.

Mr Mareangareu admitted during the trial that he punched Mr Foster in the face as hard as he could as the teenager provided his personal details. He claimed he was acting in self-defence.

The convictions were quashed on appeal in May 2019.

A Police Association spokesman said the organisation was reviewing the Court of Appeal’s findings.

The court found that under the Police Act, Mr Patton is required to take into account the character and reputation of those being appointed to the force.

The judges published a 2019 letter sent by Acting Commander Mark Porter, Mr Patton’s delegate appointed to determine Mr Mareangareu’s application for reappointment, which expressed the police force’s reservations about putting the former officer back into service.

“The fact that the applicant was acquitted of associated criminal charges on appeal does not substantially reduce the gravity of that behaviour,” Mr Porter wrote.

The judges also found that even though a police officer may have been acquitted of criminal allegations, it does not mean the officer did not engage in the conduct that was the subject of the charge. “The conviction may instead have been undermined by, for example, legal defects in the indictment or in the trial procedure or miscarriages in the deliberations of a jury,” they found.

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